Puzzles for Toddlers Offers Numerous Benefits: A good Wooden puzzle can offer plenty of benefits. It helps in Hand-eye Coordination and leads to development of Fine Motor Skills, Spatial understanding. Your toddler is just exploring space and sizes. Wooden Puzzles would be an ideal way to encourage them explore what fits into what and how spaces work.
Aids Brain Development: It helps Your baby work on their Concentration. The child needs to understand how the puzzle works before attempting it, hence they are getting their Problem solving abilities sharpened here. It also helps with their cognitive development.
Language Development: As adults we can guide through the process of puzzle solving by instructing. Words used to instruct and describe the parts of the puzzle will enrich vocabulary. We can talk about the animal names, their food habits and later on develop simple memory games.
Creative play: From all the information provided to them, children's will then let their imagination go wild. There is no end to the creative play involved here.
Is your child beginning to question everything around them and become more attentive to their surroundings? Introduce these Chunky puzzles to meet their developmental demands. The puzzles' chunkiness makes them simple to manipulate and work.
Made from sturdy maple wood & finished with child-safe paint. Your child will have a sense of familiarity thanks to the realistic images of Indian animals. Plus, Working with these puzzles will keep them curious, enhance their logical thinking and improve their problem solving ability.
Additionally, jigsaw puzzles teach children about proportions and dimensions. Your child will be able to build a good vocabulary. Working on these puzzles repeatedly will lead to additional animal studies.