Directions: Recommended 1 teaspoon daily for optimal benefits
We suggest you take it on its own, in some hot water, in your tea, porridge, on toast or anywhere you need just a bit of sweetness and a lot of wellness.
Ingredients: Natural Raw Honey, Fresh Ginger, Korean Red Ginseng, Roasted Blackseeds (NIGELLA SATIVA), Lemon Zest, Orange Zest, Essential oils: Peppermint, Lime, Lemon, Orange & Tangerine.
If your system needs a little freshening up - you've stumbled across the perfect honey for you. Packed full of fantastic ingredients to boost and strengthen your Immune system, our FRESH is everything you need. We're passionate about using essential oils for medicinal purposes, so we crafted a Honey infused with Ginger, Blackseed and also 5 Pure Essential Oils of Lemon, Lime, Orange, Tangerine and Peppermint. The first taste is sure to give you an immediate zing and a little sinus relief. This is our NATURAL way of clearing a blocked nose and treating the Flu.