Formulated for repairing and mending flexible plastics, such as vinyl seats, cushions, tarps and outdoor gear
Bonds paper, glass, leather, wood, fabric, rubber and some plastics
Ideal for repairing seat covers, beach balls, vinyl inflatable mattresses, vinyl upholstery, raincoats and wading pools
Use to repair household items such as, shoes, toys, tools and weather stripping
Set time of 10 minutes and cure time of 24 hours
Dries clear, flexible and water resistant for durable repairs that resist yellowing or brittleness with age
The Loctite Vinyl, Fabric and Plastic Adhesive is ideal for repairing flexible plastics, such as vinyl seats, cushions, tarps and outdoor gear. The adhesive dries to a transparent, water-resistant bond to resist yellowing or brittleness with age.