Don't be afraid to dream. I was a middle-class girl and today i am living my dreams -it's almost unbelievable for me and it proves everyone has a chance; if i can, anybody can. Through my experience, my fails, my success, i have learned many things in life but the most important thing is no replacement for hard work, your background does not decide your future, all i know is to work damn hard and god helps those who help themselves. In life where we reach is important, not where we have come from, like a lotus flower. Universe favors the stubborn. Make mistakes, learn from them, be human, be you. , Our struggles determine our success. Believe in yourself and in your dream. As we get older, with the benefit of experience we begin to notice that most of the things have little liev on our lives. The people whose opinions we cared about so much before are no longer present in our lives. Rejections that were painful in the moment, have actually worked out for the best. People often say that "i am very lucky". But you know what, i have hard to become lucky.